Upcoming Events for Innkeepers and Aspiring Innkeepers

July 27, 2024
The B&B Team® / Better Way to Buy an Inn™ One-Day Comprehensive Workshop
Kennebunk, ME

As an Aspiring Innkeeper or hospitality professional, you need a clear vision of starting a bed and breakfast or inn as a business and a lifestyle. In your seminar, we will address and work with you to understand all aspects of this wonderful and rewarding career. Our goal is to ensure that your goals are met as you work through the process. We will work with you to help you decide whether Innkeeping is the right profession for you, personally and financially. Your seminar provides a comprehensive overview of starting a bed and breakfast from Amenities to Zoning. The one-day comprehensive workshops include instruction, workbooks, lunch, and personalized consultation (to be scheduled for mutually agreed upon times, dates, and locations) for $225.00 for one person or $275.00 for two. This will be a fast-paced Saturday. We will cover the same material as in the full weekend seminar but without as much time for exercises, questions, and tangents. This is a great alternative if you can’t spare a whole weekend. Follow-up consultations can be scheduled individually on a case-by-case basis. Attendees for the one-day comprehensive workshops should plan on being at the host inn or class site by 8:00 AM on Saturday. We will start at 8:30 AM and run until 5:30 PM. Attendees are encouraged to spend a night at our host inn, but this is not required. Instructors: Eben Viens, David Hiler & Guests

To learn more contact Eben Viens at 802-257-2360 or email bbteam@bbteam.com
Or, visit https://bbteam.com/seminars/
August 7, 2024
rezStream™ - Post-Peak Operations: Strategies for Continued Success!
Virtual Zoom Webinar, CO

Equip yourself for buying a property with strategies using rezStream Cloud PMS to navigate post-peak seasons effectively. Explore rate automation and yield management techniques to ensure continued success and stability during transitions.

To learn more contact Jeff Hebrink at 3038720220 or email sales@rezstream.com
Or, visit https://tinyurl.com/mrh2w4rm
August 17, 2024
The B&B Team® / Better Way to Buy an Inn™ Virtual Seminar
Your Location , ME

As an Aspiring Innkeeper or hospitality professional, you need a clear vision of starting a bed and breakfast or inn as a business and a lifestyle. In your seminar, we will address and work with you to understand all aspects of this wonderful and rewarding career. Our goal is to ensure that your goals are met as you work through the process. We will work with you to help you decide whether Innkeeping is the right profession for you, personally and financially. Your seminar provides a comprehensive overview of starting a bed and breakfast from Amenities to Zoning. The Virtual Seminar is being offered as an alternative to our in-person aspiring Innkeeper sessions. This seven-hour session covers much of the same material as the One Day Comprehensive Seminar and will help to affirm attendees’ interest in a possible Inn purchase. The seminar includes six hours of instruction, workbooks, personalized follow-up consultation, and access to the Virtual Seminar Page of our website which will be continually updated with resource materials for B&B Team seminar graduates. The Virtual Seminar begins at 10:00 AM EDT and ends at 5PM EDT and will welcome attendee participation throughout the day. There will be a 45-minute lunch break and the seminar will be recorded and sent to attendees so they can review materials in their own time. The cost of the Virtual Seminar is $195.00. Instructors: Eben Viens, David Hiler & Guests

To learn more contact Eben Viens at 802-257-2360 or email bbteam@bbteam.com
Or, visit https://bbteam.com/seminars/
August 30-31, 2024
The B&B Team® / Better Way to Buy an Inn™ Weekend Seminar
Fernandina Beach, FL

A twist on our fan favorite Weekend Aspiring Innkeeper Seminar! We are pleased to be collaborating with two of our favorite Inns in the Fernandina Beach / Amelia Island, Florida, market to offer our signature two day seminar, alongside discussion and property tours of two iconic coastal Florida Inns. The weekend session is The B&B Team's most in-depth future innkeeper program and allows for more face time and interaction with your instructors and hosting Innkeepers. This weekend seminar package, including instruction, workbooks, personalized follow-up consultation, meals, and breaks is only $375.00 for one person or $450.00 for two. We welcome attendees to join us for an optional wine and cheese reception on Friday evening, Saturday night dinner will be an upscale but relaxed affair, and you are the guests of The B&B Team for both, plus your lunch on Saturday. The cost of your lodging during the seminar is additional, and we have negotiated a preferred rate for our seminar attendees. In addition to the seminar on buying and operating an inn or bed and breakfast, as a graduate, you will be eligible for a personal, half-day planning session with one of us at our office or over the phone. Upon confirmation of your seminar registration, we will provide you with information to make your lodging reservations. Each attendee is responsible for booking their room at the host inn by calling the inn. Tell them you are with The B&B Team’s seminar to get the preferred rate. Instructors: Eben Viens, David Hiler & Guests

To learn more contact Eben Viens at 802-257-2360 or email bbteam@bbteam.com
Or, visit https://bbteam.com/seminars/
September 11, 2024
rezStream™ - Loyalty Building Blueprint: Nurturing Customer Relationships with a Digital Approach
Virtual Zoom Webinar, CO

Discover digital marketing strategies essential for building guest loyalty when buying a property. Harness the power of social media, SEO, and paid advertising to cultivate enduring guest relationships and ensure stability during transitions.

To learn more contact Jeff Hebrink at 3038720220 or email sales@rezstream.com
Or, visit https://tinyurl.com/2s3u7jn6
October 9, 2024
rezStream™ - Tech Evolution Roadmap: Best Practices for Transiting into the Off-Season!
Virtual Zoom Webinar, CO

Prepare for buying a property with a comprehensive PMS audit to uncover revenue-boosting integrations and modern platform essentials. Learn to optimize your reservation software for seamless transitions and maximize revenue during off-peak periods.

To learn more contact Jeff Hebrink at 3038720220 or email sales@rezstream.com
Or, visit https://tinyurl.com/yvkccxwx
November 2, 2024
The B&B Team® / Better Way to Buy an Inn™ One-Day Comprehensive Workshop
San Diego, CA

As an Aspiring Innkeeper or hospitality professional, you need a clear vision of starting a bed and breakfast or inn as a business and a lifestyle. In your seminar, we will address and work with you to understand all aspects of this wonderful and rewarding career. Our goal is to ensure that your goals are met as you work through the process. We will work with you to help you decide whether Innkeeping is the right profession for you, personally and financially. Your seminar provides a comprehensive overview of starting a bed and breakfast from Amenities to Zoning. The one-day comprehensive workshops include instruction, workbooks, lunch, and personalized consultation (to be scheduled for mutually agreed upon times, dates, and locations) for $225.00 for one person or $275.00 for two. This will be a fast-paced Saturday. We will cover the same material as in the full weekend seminar but without as much time for exercises, questions, and tangents. This is a great alternative if you can’t spare a whole weekend. Follow-up consultations can be scheduled individually on a case-by-case basis. Attendees for the one-day comprehensive workshops should plan on being at the host inn or class site by 8:00 AM on Saturday. We will start at 8:30 AM and run until 5:30 PM. Attendees are encouraged to spend a night at our host inn, but this is not required. Instructors: Eben Viens, David Hiler & Guests

To learn more contact Eben Viens at 802-257-2360 or email bbteam@bbteam.com
Or, visit https://bbteam.com/seminars/
November 13, 2024
rezStream™ - Shifting Gears: Auditing Your Lodging Website for Missed Opportunities
Virtual Zoom Webinar, CO

Revitalize your website to stand out after buying a property. Gain actionable insights to differentiate yourself and recognize opportunities for website improvements essential for maintaining stability during transitions.

To learn more contact Jeff Hebrink at 3038720220 or email sales@rezstream.com
Or, visit https://tinyurl.com/mr2w2jff

Would you like to list your organization's events here? If so, please contact us.